1997 Atari Times Awards - Comments

Best Programmer

’I was hoping to be able to use the words "Nominated for best programmer" on my web page, But instead got this, I won’t try and kid myself or anyone else into thinking that I am the best.. But I won’t let anyone forget I got the award either.. :))’

Tony Greenwood

Best Shareware Release

Thank you very much for this award !

We were very surprised about this award. But of course we are happy about it.

After a long time of development, design and hard work we finally got it : Running (final version) is released. So this important period of our lifes has an end. And weare very pleased with our product. We hope that all Falcon users playing our shareware version will feel thesame about our game and have a lot of fun.

We want to take this opportunity to thank all people out there supporting our project and believed in us and our game. Please continue in this way and buy the final version to give us the chance to earn some money.

Have fun and enjoy.

RDT Team

Best TOS Game

This tells a story.. 4meg games that take up HD space are in?.. I can assure you we will release more games in 98 and at least one will beat H.E.R.O.2

Tony Greenwood

Best Demo

When I started development on the code two years ago, little did I know that people would be appreciating the finished product still today. My thanks to everyone who helped support the making

of the demo. Cheers!

Steve Tattersall

Best Hardware/Atari Supporting Company

I was extremely pleased to learn of our success in gaining these awards, particularly as we tend to specialise in the Falcon which represents a fraction of the overall Atari market.

I think this proves how successful Nemesis is and how beneficial it can be to the Falcon, not least the ability to finally achieve high resolution true-colour.

A special thanks to all those people who voted for us in these, and other categories.

David Encill

Best Non-Profit Organization

I am suprised..genuinly suprised..but this is the one that gives me most pleasure..

Apart from the one ill fated commercial offering, I try to prove to people that free does not mean rubish, I don't wish to sound corny, But this one means a lot to me...

Many thanks.

Tony Greenwood

Best Disk Magazine

Time to dig out that moulding bottle of post christmas wine and raise your glasses, I’ll propose a toast to everyone who voted for ST+ as best diskmag of 1997 in the recent Atari Times awards, to be honest I didn’t even realise we had been nominated...and they say ignorance is bliss hehehe :))

Anyway, my deepest, personal thanks to everyone who ever wrote in to ST+ and of course everyone who supported us over the last couple of years, without you there wouldn’t have been an ST+ diskmagazine and now, with the advent of the new ST+ paper Fanzine I can only hope we do as well as we’ve done with the diskmagazine.

Thanks again folks....

Dave Hollis

Best Paper Magazine

We’re delighted to be voted Best Paper Magazine - despite the lack of opposition! We aim to make each issue better than the one before and still have some ideas to try out.

With hindsight launching the magazine was the easy bit. Building the infastructure to maintain the momentum is much harder. To stay in the running for an award in 1998 we depend on the ongoing support of both contributors and subcribers so please do keep ’em coming!

Joe Connor

Best Web Page

I’m thrilled, flattered and surprised!!! (I had to check and see if the above address was my page to be sure -frankly I can’t even remember the URL which is a bit complicated..)

It’s great to see that the hard work has paid off. I don’t have the prettiest page on the net, but that wasn’t the point either. I wanted functionality instead of beauty. What good is a page with excellent graphics (which takes ages to download) and has no contents? Anyway, that’s my philosophy about it. A quick, easy to use, no-frills page with the information needed. And compatibility so that anyone can use it, even text based browsers like "Lynx" (I use Lynx myself).

Hallvard Tangeraas

Best Internet Service Provider

’On behalf of Zetnet Services I would like to thank all those who voted for ourselves in this category.’

’Its been a surprise to myself the number of Atari customers we now have and hopefully it will continue in the same vein.’

’I would like to take this opportunity to thank Simon Coward for starting the ball rolling, David Henderson for his ’cracking’ of the login procedure to get the Atari connected and also Roy Goring for the help he has given and continues to give.’

’Long may it continue.’

Andrew Carlyle

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