
What a month September was, the long awaited Atari shows were a resounding success, the Atari Times was hatched into the Fan Files network so now you can get it from most Atari BBS's, the new Atari Computing was launched and it sold out and Papyrus 4 was finally released.

It would be near impossible for October to be as successful but we're going to try our best.

This issue of the Atari Times has more reviews than any previous issue including major programs like Papyrus 4 and the new Jag game Atari Karts, our first in a series of Readers Top Tens and at last, the User Profile you've all been waiting for - Colin Fisher-McAllum.

We also have a selection of ST cheats and the latest on Mole Mayhem which is slowly approaching release.

I hope you enjoy this issue.

Cheers!Colin Polonowski

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