Graphics drawn in Crack Art, Degas Elite, Hyperpaint
Graphics converted in GemView 3.02, SEE-THRU and Speed of Light
Viewed and tested in the CAB v1.41 and Netscape
Contributors: Stephen F Barszczak, Harry Sideras, Keith Lock
Thanks to: Colin Fisher-McAllum, Harry Sideras, Chris Good
Next Time
As well as all the usuals, we will have a profile of (fingers crossed!) Kev Beardsworth - the other half of AtariPhile, 42BBS and the Falcon FacTT File.
We will also have out second readers top ten.
I also hope to have written a show report so it will hopefully be in next issue.
Issue 7 will be available as and when it's ready. We originally intended for the magazine to be monthly but recently it has been very difficult for us to achieve this. Therefore I won't be deciding on a release date - this will hopefully put less pressure on us and therefore will result in a better magazine all round.
Hope to see you next issue!
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The Atari Authors Association and The Atari Times are all Copyright 1996 Croft Soft Software.