Graphics drawn in Crack Art, Degas Elite, Hyperpaint
Graphics converted in GemView 3.02 and Speed of Light
Viewed and tested in the CAB v1.3 by Alexander Clauss
Contributors: Peter Campbell
Thanks to: Roy Goring (WAG)
Next Time
Issue 6 will feature yet another User Profile, hopefully of Colin Fisher-McAllum. Other future User Profiles will include Kevin Beardsworth - the other half of 42BBS, FFF and AtariPhile - and Frank Charlton - ex of ST Format and Editor of Atari Computing
A top ten by Chris Bloy or Mick Lock.
As always, we have the latest news, reviews and previews.
Our Atari Show report will be here along with some photos of the event.
And loads more!
The Atari Times is Freeware, please pass it on to your friends.
The Atari Authors Association and The Atari Times are all Copyright 1996 Croft Soft Software.