
Phew! What a summer. Since last issue I've been on holiday to Lanzarote and I must say it feels a hell of a lot hotter over here than there.

What have we got this issue?

Firstly, a name change! The Croft Soft HTML News Letter is no more, it has been relaunched as the Atari Times. We also have a review of the Jaguar and Jaguar CD drive and accessories, a user profile of Joe Connor, another Top Ten, the latest news and loads more.

We haven't got the cheats or classified ads which we said we'd have last issue, we'll try and fit them in next ish.

It's too hot for me to sit here typing, so I'll just say that I hope you enjoy this issue and I still want some articles for other people - heres your chance to show off you're writing skills so come on type me something!

'til next month.

Cheers!Colin Polonowski

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