Welcome to the Croft Soft HTML Newsletter

Welcome to the Croft Soft Newsletter, our aim is to pass on information which our readers may find useful.

At present, the letter focuses on Croft Soft Software and our releases, but we would like to develop it into a full disk magazine and would welcome contributions in ASCII or HTML format from anyone who would be willing to help. It doesn't just have to be on computers, we would be interested in anything. As this letter can be read on any system with a HTML Viewer, it doesn't have to be machine specific.

We would like to include news, reviews, letters, and on occasions free software.

If you are interested, please read the Submissions section and write to the address in the Other Stuff section.

Finally if you like the magazine, please let us know so that we have some incentive to produce another issue.

I hope you enjoy reading this issue.

Colin Polonowski

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