GFA NET - Messages and code for GFA programmers

Message #1 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 22 Dec 90  02:27:20
From : Jon Webb
To   : Jacob Hamacher
Subj : Re: GFA-Basic PC (was: LOC(#2))
 > Is there a PC version of GFA-basic?
Yes, there are versions for MS-DOS, OS/2, Windows and Unix. The DOS version 
has been released in Germany and Holland. The UK should follow soon. Only 
interpreter for now, no compiler.
 > Is it difficult to tranfser programs between the ST and the PC,
That depends on what commands you are using. The ST-specific routines 
like WIND_OPEN() won’t work, but OPENW for instance _will_ work, and so 
will FILESELECT and the menu system! All (or most) graphics commands are 
available too.
 > and where can I get GFA for my PC?
I think GFA UK handles support for Scandinavia. They can be reached on 
Merry Xmas!                                              - Jon -
--- QuickNet ST v0.10 beta
 * Origin: [ DeltaVision Systems HQ - The Netherlands ] (2:282/301.2)
Message #6 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 31 Dec 90  02:07:48
From : Jon Webb
To   : Glenn Johansson
Subj : (4) Re: Making a random file shorter
 > How do I make a random access file one entry shorter using GFA BASIC?
You copy all the records but one from the old file to a new one...
    OPEN “I”,#1,“oldfile.dat”           ! Open old file
    OPEN “O”,#2,“newfile.dat”           ! Open new file
    count&=LOF(#1)/len&                 ! Where len = size of one record
    FOR record&=1 TO count&-1           ! For each record but one
       PRINT #2,INPUT$(len&,#1);        !   Copy record
    NEXT record&                        ! Next record
    CLOSE #1                            ! Close files
    CLOSE #2
    KILL “oldfile.dat”                  ! Remove old
    NAME “newfile.dat” AS “oldfile.dat” ! Rename new to old
That should do the trick.
Happy New Year!                                            - Jon -
--- QuickNet ST v0.10 beta
 * Origin: [ DeltaVision Systems HQ - The Netherlands ] (2:282/301.2)
Message #1 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 19 Oct 90  15:50:12
From : Peter Bloemendaal
To   : All
Subj : select problem
I have the following strange problem : 
when I write the following lines in Gfa 3.5E : 
The P from PRINT disappears ?????
I tried severall other letters instead of the P
Some of them disappear too, others give a syntax error. For example :
CASE “KRINT”   Syntax error
CASE “LRINT”   The L disappear
Does anyone knows a solution for this problem ?
 * Origin: Cosysop Dutchman GFA_LOC always at your service ! (2:280/220.8)
Message #2 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 20 Oct 90  03:04:04
From : Jon Webb
To   : Magic.Alex Badalic
Subj : Re: Bomb Trapping
 >> Am I going crazy? Or is GFA to blame?!
 > Unfortunately, I’m a very miserable programmer myself, but I’ve heard 
 > several other people complainig about the compiler. Seems to me it’s 
 > GfA’s fault! 
After lot’s of testing and a few calls to Frank Ostrowski I think I’ve 
spotted the problem, see next message.
Electronic Greetings!                                     - Jon -
--- QuickNet ST v0.10 beta
 * Origin: [ DeltaVision Systems HQ - The Netherlands ] (2:282/301.2)
Message #3 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 20 Oct 90  03:08:04
From : Jon Webb
To   : All
Subj : Bomb problems
Hi All,
a few days ago I posted a message in this echo about problems with bomb 
trapping. It turns out that when you switch bomb trapping on, you must also 
_ALWAYS_ switch interrupts on. Without interrupts the compiled program will 
keep on bombing. So:
    $B+         Is incorrect
    $B+,I+      Is correct
Also, $B+ can _not_ be passed on the command line by a shell. A few other 
command line switches are also ignored by the compiler:
    RCx         RC_INTERSECT() parameters 16 or 32 bit
    %0 and %3   Integer division results 16 or 32 bit
    U+          Break checking on (locks up the compiler!)
trapping switched on. I claim this is simply a buggy compiler.
Electronic Greetings!                                     - Jon -
--- QuickNet ST v0.10 beta
 * Origin: [ DeltaVision Systems HQ - The Netherlands ] (2:282/301.2)
Message #4 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 20 Oct 90  03:13:04
From : Jon Webb
To   : Peter Bloemendaal
Subj : (1) Re: select problem
 > when I write the following lines in Gfa 3.5E : 
 > SELECT b$ 
 > The P from PRINT disappears ?????
The SELECT statement only works on a long, 4 bytes. That’s because the 
’SELECT’ value is loaded into a register and compared there. That’s with 
source switch $S%, but with $S& only 2 bytes are compared (faster & 
smaller code). 
If you want to compare more than 4 bytes, use something like: 
    IF b$=“PRINT” 
    ELSE IF b$=“LPRINT” 
    ELSE IF ... 
Electronic Greetings!                                     - Jon - 
--- QuickNet ST v0.10 beta
 * Origin: [ DeltaVision Systems HQ - The Netherlands ] (2:282/301.2)
Message #5 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 20 Oct 90  03:13:28
From : Jon Webb
To   : All
Subj : Compiling TTP’s with 3.50 EE
Starting with v3.50 EE you are supposed to be able to compile TTP’s which 
don’t mess around with the mouse. However, any source switch will cause 
the compiler to insert the AES stuff anyway.
Combine this with the fact that things like bomb trapping can’t be done 
from the command line, and you’ll see that you can’t produce a TTP which 
traps bombs...
GFA, you’ve done it again...
Electronic Greetings!                                     - Jon -
--- QuickNet ST v0.10 beta
 * Origin: [ DeltaVision Systems HQ - The Netherlands ] (2:282/301.2)
Message #6 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 20 Oct 90  11:33:48
From : Peter Bloemendaal
To   : Jon Webb
Subj : (4) Re: select problem
 JW> The SELECT statement only works on a long, 4 bytes. That’s because 
 JW> the ’SELECT’ value is loaded into a register and compared there. 
So if I write the following program :
   rem Selected also when b$=“PRINT”
This should work ?
               Greetings, Peter Bloemendaal
 -- LED ST 0.10 rb20
--- ComScan v1.00 TB/ST
 * Origin: Cosysop Dutchman GFA_LOC always at your service ! (2:280/220.8)
Message #8 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 21 Oct 90  05:50:36
From : Jon Webb
To   : Albert Mullens
Subj : (7) Re: GfA Basic for the TT
 > Hello, does anybody know anything about a patch or version of GfA 
 > Basic for the great Atari TT? The “ordinary” GfA Basic doesn’t work.
How about reading the messages in the echo before posting a new one? A 
few days ago I posted a message about GFA on the TT. There is no version 
newer than 3.50 EE, which will run (more or less) in ST resolutions.
Electronic Greetings!                                     - Jon -
--- QuickNet ST v0.10 beta
 * Origin: [ DeltaVision Systems HQ - The Netherlands ] (2:282/301.2)
Message #13 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 22 Oct 90  18:30:40
From : Jon Webb
To   : Joakim Nordlander
Subj : (9) Re: window redraw
 >> So you want to create your resource files by keyboard? You must be
 >> joking! However, most options & dialog boxes in K-Resource have 
 >> keyboard shortcuts.
 > I dont want to create them, I want to be able to operate them from the
 > keyboard.
Ah, you mean shortcuts in the program which uses the resource. Well 
that’s easy. All you need to do is write your own FORM_DO() function. 
That’s not as difficult as it seems, because most of the work is handled 
by the sub-functions FORM_BUTTON() and FORM_KEYBD(). You could put the 
shortcut key in the extended state.
Electronic Greetings!                                     - Jon -
--- QuickNet ST v0.10 beta
 * Origin: [ DeltaVision Systems HQ - The Netherlands ] (2:282/301.2)
Message #14 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 22 Oct 90  18:32:32
From : Jon Webb
To   : Joakim Nordlander
Subj : (9) Re: window redraw
 > I have wondered about making a program so that you can operate 
 > an Alertbox with the arrowkeys.
GShell, my GFA shell, does that. You can use the mouse, move the default 
option with the cursor keys, or press the key which is underlined in the 
button text.
Electronic Greetings!                                     - Jon -
--- QuickNet ST v0.10 beta
 * Origin: [ DeltaVision Systems HQ - The Netherlands ] (2:282/301.2)
Message #16 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 20 Oct 90  14:43:04
From : Michael Vogt
To   : All
Did anyone have a little *.GFA file for me with witch I can convert an 
ascii-textfile to a FIDO-Msg? My problem: I am writing a utility for TB 
witch produces ascii-files on my harddisc. In future it should write 
these textfiles as messages in one or more echomail-areas. But I don’t 
know how to do this! If I can solve this problem with your help this 
utility will be available for all sysops who are using TheBox and QBBS-ST. 
It analyses the logfile and gives the sysop detailed information about 
what was on in his system... 
\  /
A&M-SOFT-BBS,1ST ATARI-NODE, Berlin/Brandenburg 
 -- LED ST 0.10
--- ComScan v1.00 TB/ST
Message #18 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 27 Oct 90  02:27:56
From : Jon Webb
To   : Michael Vogt
Subj : (16) Re: ASCII==>FIDO-MSG
 > Did anyone have a little *.GFA file for me with witch I can convert an 
 > ascii-textfile to a FIDO-Msg? My problem: I don’t know how to do this!
Request QSTRUCT.LZH from 2:282/301. That contains the message base layout.
Electronic Greetings!                                     - Jon -
--- QuickNet ST v0.10 beta
 * Origin: [ DeltaVision Systems HQ - The Netherlands ] (2:282/301.2)
Message #19 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 27 Oct 90  02:29:24
From : Jon Webb
To   : Bernd Renzing
Subj : (17) Re: Options in GFA ?
 > How can i read the Command Line in GFA Basic ? Has anybody an Routine ? 
No proc required, also works with ARGV.
Electronic Greetings!                                     - Jon -
--- QuickNet ST v0.10 beta
 * Origin: [ DeltaVision Systems HQ - The Netherlands ] (2:282/301.2)
Message #20 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 27 Oct 90  04:24:48
From : Erno Meffert
To   : Bernd Renzing
Subj : (17) Re: Options in GFA ?
In a message of <26 Oct 90  00:23:32>, Bernd Renzing (2:245/102) writes:
 BR> How can i read the Command Line in GFA Basic ? Has anybody an 
 BR> Routine ? 
This one should do the job :
clr com$
if com%<>0
    for i%=1 to com%
    next i%
All this could be compressed in one or two line but this routine tells you 
more about where and how the commandline can be found.
At basepage + 128 the length of the commandline is stored.
form basepage + 129 you can find the commandline itself.
                                        Greeting Erno
 -- LED ST 0.10 rb20
--- ComScan v1.00 TB/ST
 * Origin: QuickBBS ST Arnhem, ++31-(0)85-644262 (2:281/801)
Message #22 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date :  26 Oct 90 08:27:10
From : Jens Bauer
To   : Jon Webb
Subj : Re: Fileselect on desktop
> Patching TOS huh?
Eeh, GEM, actually ;)
noticed that little ^ funny guy ?
-I’m never using windows, instead I’m using the dialog-boxes (I’ve seen a
crashed ST too many times, while working with windows (also when using the
example files from GfA!!) -does the FORM_DO() and OBJC_DRAW() return those
values ?!?
Great greetings                                         - Jens -
--- QuickBBS ST v1.02+
 * Origin: * The VOID BBS, +45 43 54 83 96 (HST) (24hrs) * (2:231/90)
Message #23 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 28 Oct 90  03:23:36
From : Jon Webb
To   : Jens Bauer
Subj : (22) Re: Fileselect on desktop
 > -I’m never using windows, instead I’m using the dialog-boxes (I’ve 
 > seen a crashed ST too many times, while working with windows (also 
 > when using the example files from GfA!!) 
Not when written correctly 8-)
 > -does the FORM_DO() and OBJC_DRAW() return those values ?!?
No, FORM_DO() returns the exit object of course. With bit 15 set for 
double-click. For redraws you need windows. What you _could_ do is 
install your object as a custom desktop with WIND_SET(0, 14, ...). Then 
AES will do the redrawing for you. Don’t forget to remove it again when you 
exit your program though!
Electronic Greetings!                                     - Jon -
--- QuickNet ST v0.10 beta
 * Origin: [ DeltaVision Systems HQ - The Netherlands ] (2:282/301.2)
Message #24 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date :  27 Oct 90 17:43:00
From : Bram Habraken
To   : Jon Webb
Subj : Re: GFA 3.0/Big screen
> An average program written in GFA will certainly make a mess of it.
Why should it? A program can be written in GFA Basic to run correctly on every
graphics mode available for the ST/TT.
You can use WORK_OUT(0) and WORK_OUT(1) to get the width and height of the
current screen mode, and you allways should use those variables, NOT the line a
variables ’cos it isn’t sure if they will be supported in the future...
> For two reasons: First you can’t rely on XBIOS(4) to get the
> current resolution (does anyone know what return code you get for a
> BigScreen monitor or a TT?).
On the TT XBIOS 4 returns what was expected!:
0 - ST Low
1 - ST Medium
2 - ST High
3 - TT Low
4 - TT Medium
5 - TT High
Gr.Bram Habraken  
 * Origin: Computershop Utrecht BBS Holland (31-30-660487) (2:281/701)
Message #25 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 28 Oct 90  18:24:44
From : Peter Bloemendaal
To   : All
Subj : Gfa procedures
        Recently I try to manage  a  Gfa basic  area. I’am looking for a
        number  of  short  routines  that make life  easy.  I think most
        programmers have such  routines  in  their pockets. This way  we
        can build an$enormous library of  all kind of short procedures. 
        Please send your contribution to me or my orig line 
        Thanks....                     Greetings Peter Bloemendaal 
--- LED ST 0.10 [BYE 0n23]
 * Origin: Cosysop Dutchman GFA_LOC[l^H: your service ! (2:280/220.8)
Message #26 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 28 Oct 90  17:08:44
From : Jon Webb
To   : Bram Habraken
Subj : (24) Re: GFA 3.0/Big screen
 >> An average program written in GFA will certainly make a mess of it.
 > Why should it? A program can be written in GFA Basic to run correctly 
 > on every graphics mode available for the ST/TT.
Theoretically yes. But in practice most GFA programmers are too lazy. 
Especially when writing PD programs. I think this is due to the fact you 
can write GFA programs even if you’ve never heard of VDI, resolution 
independant graphics, work stations and all that stuff.
 > You can use WORK_OUT(0) and WORK_OUT(1) to get the width and height of 
 > the current screen mode, and you allways should use those variables, 
Either those or the desktop sizes returned by WIND_GET(0,4...).
Electronic Greetings!                                     - Jon -
--- QuickNet ST v0.10 beta
 * Origin: [ DeltaVision Systems HQ - The Netherlands ] (2:282/301.2)
Message #28 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 29 Oct 90  22:44:04
From : Jon Webb
To   : Erno Meffert
Subj : (27) Re: CHAR{}
 > Can anyone tell me the difference between:
 > CHAR{......} and CHAR{{......}}
{a%} is the same as LONG{a%}, which in turn is more or less identical to 
LPEEK(a%). So...
    CHAR{a%}    returns string at a%
    CHAR{{a%}}  returns string at LONG{a%}
The main difference between LONG{} and LPEEK() is that LPEEK() is 
executed in supervisor mode, whereas LONG{} is executed in user mode. 
LONG{} about twice as fast. The same goes for BYTE{}/PEEK() and 
Electronic Greetings!                                     - Jon -
--- QuickNet ST v0.10 beta
 * Origin: [ DeltaVision Systems HQ - The Netherlands ] (2:282/301.2)
Message #29 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 29 Oct 90  02:00:48
From : Bertrand PETIT
To   : Michael Vogt
Subj : (16) Re: ASCII==>FIDO-MSG
In a message of <20 Oct 90  14:43:04>, Michael Vogt (2:242/34) writes:
 MV> Did anyone have a little *.GFA file for me with witch I can convert 
 MV> an ascii-textfile to a FIDO-Msg? My problem: I am writing a utility 
     Try LED ST (an editor like comscan but with GEM... very nice). It 
inculde an ASCII import module.
     Bertrand PETIT
     >Elrond le demi-Elfe<
--- LED ST 0.10
 * Origin: IMLADRIS the house of the Elves -- Paris, France (2:320/4.7)
Message #30 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 29 Oct 90  02:02:32
From : Bertrand PETIT
To   : Bernd Renzing
Subj : (17) Re: Options in GFA ?
In a message of <26 Oct 90  00:23:32>, Bernd Renzing (2:245/102) writes:
 BR> How can i read the Command Line in GFA Basic ? Has anybody an 
     If the command line is passed by a pragram who do that job correctly 
(using pascal string definitions) try this:
     bmove basepage+129,v:command_line$,byte{basepage+128}
This work in GFA 3. if you obtain nothing then try the C string’s 
One of them must work.
     Bertrand PETIT
     >Elrond le demi-Elfe<
--- LED ST 0.10
 * Origin: IMLADRIS the house of the Elves -- Paris, France (2:320/4.7)
Message #1 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 19 Nov 90  04:55:44
From : Manfred Zeller
To   : ALL
Subj : SYS-PARAmeter
Hi folks, 
there where some questions about getting screen_resolution with 
In the October ST was a Short_List from Stephan Elsner to get some 
interesting SYS- parameters : 
PROCEDURE sys_para 
  ’ all Parameters global 
  aufl&=XBIOS(4)                        !low/mid/high 
  screen_adr%=XBIOS(2)                  !Screenaddress 
  screen_breite&=DPEEK(ADD(L~A,2))      !screenwidth in Bytes 
  xmax&=WORK_OUT(0)                     !Max. Pixels X 
  ymax&=WORK_OUT(1)                     !Max. Pixels Y 
  x_pix&=WORK_OUT(3)                    !Pixelbreite in mm/1000 
  y_pix&=WORK_OUT(4)                    !Pixelhoehe in mm/1000 
  xy_faktor=x_pix&/y_pix&               !Pixelgroesse XY_Faktor 
  max_colors&=WORK_OUT(39)              !number colors of colorpalett 
  bitplanes&=DPEEK(L~A)                 !number of Bitplanes (LineA) 
  c_olors&=2^bitplanes&                 !number of representable colors 
  CONTRL(0)=5                           !vq_chcells 
  CONTRL(1)=0                           !VDI-Escape-Funktion 
  CONTRL(2)=0                           ! 
  CONTRL(3)=0                           ! 
  CONTRL(5)=1                           ! 
  CONTRL(6)=V~H                         ! 
  VDISYS                                ! VDI-Einsprung 
  zeilen&=INTOUT(0)                     !number of textlines 
  spalten&=INTOUT(1)                    !number of textcolums 
  z_hoehe&=(ymax&+1)\zeilen&            !characterheight in pixel 
  z_breite&=(xmax&+1)\spalten&          !characterwidth in pixel 
  CLIP 0,0,xmax&,ymax&                  !set Clipping 
  ACLIP 0,0,xmax&,ymax&                 ! “  Line_A ” 
PROCEDURE sys_show 
  PRINT AT(1,1);“Anzeige der Systemparameter :” 
  PRINT “Auflsung            : ”;aufl& 
  PRINT “Bildschirmadresse    : ”;screen_adr% 
  PRINT “    ’’  hexadezimal  : ”;HEX$(screen_adr%,10) 
  PRINT “Bildschirmbreite     : ”;screen_breite&;“ Bytes” 
  PRINT “max. X-Auflsung     : ”;xmax&;“ Pixel” 
  PRINT “max. Y-Auflsung     : ”;ymax&;“ Pixel” 
  PRINT “reale Pixelbreite    : ”;x_pix&;“ um” 
  PRINT “reale Pixelhhe      : ”;y_pix&;“ um” 
  PRINT “Pixel X/Y-Faktor     : ”;xy_faktor 
  PRINT “Palettenumfang       : ”;max_colors&;“ Farben” 
  PRINT “gleichz. darstellbar : ”;colors&;“ Farben” 
  PRINT “Anzahl Bitplanes     : ”;bitplanes& 
  PRINT “Anzahl Textzeilen    : ”;zeilen& 
  PRINT “Anzahl Textspalten   : ”;spalten& 
  PRINT “Zeichenbreite        : ”;z_breite&;“ Pixel” 
  PRINT “Zeichenhhe          : ”;z_hoehe&;“ Pixel” 
  PRINT “weiter mit Taste ....” 
I’m new in this AREA and i thought to found some interesting routines 
here, but here’s only discussion .... I think everybody, programming in 
GfA, has some short routines in the deep of his HD and there should be a 
friendly exchange between the users of this Area. One should help 
beneath the other. Or am i wrong?? 
       . .   _     _ 
mfg.  /
  /__   on (2:247/43.105) 
--- LED ST 0.10 [BYE 0.31]
 * Origin:   GfA’s the BEST :-)) (2:247/43.105)
Message #5 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 27 Nov 90  02:52:00
From : Jon Webb
To   : Glenn Johansson
Subj : (3) Re: SERIAL?
 > Does anyone here know why serial access doesnt work with GFA BASIC 
 > 3.02? I use the commands just as they are written in the 
 > documentation. Perhaps this is a known bug on this version of GFA 
 > BASIC? 
Serial I/O has always worked fine, but try to get v3.07 or v3.50EE of the 
interpreter. Those versions are much more stable.
Electronic Greetings!                                     - Jon -
--- QuickNet ST v0.10 beta
 * Origin: [ DeltaVision Systems HQ - The Netherlands ] (2:282/301.2)
Message #6 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date :  28 Nov 90 22:35:16
From : Daniel Hersson
To   : Stefan Muench
Subj : Re: IMG
> Has anybody got a routine to read/write (unpack/pack) pics ?
> Thanxalot, Stefan
Well, I got a routine to read compressed Degas pics, if that’s what you’re
looking for.
((( dAnJ{LL )))
--- QuickBBS ST v1.02+
 * Origin: -* MultiSoft BBS! *- (+46-753-55854) (2:201/319)
Message #7 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date :  27 Nov 90 22:40:00
From : Glenn Johansson
To   : All
Subj : Width
I would like to ask anyone if the width of the output can be changed - a
similarity to WIDTH, I mean. The default seems to be 77. Yuck! Even if the
screen cant support 80 charachters, I would be happier if the basic didnt show
the last three chars at all, instead of showing them at the wrong line.
R a p G o b 
 * Origin: AnDan BBS * USR HST 14400 bps * 46-31-307364 (2:203/101.0)
Message #8 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date :  02 Dec 90 18:17:00
From : Glenn Johansson
To   : All
Subj : LOC(#2)
In other basics I use LOC(#2) to find out if there are any characters waiting
from the serial port. How do I do this with GFA BASIC?
By the way, why do they say that COM1: should be used, when it only works with
SER:??? I have version 3.02.
R a p G o b 
 * Origin: AnDan BBS * USR HST 14400 bps * 46-31-307364 (2:203/101.0)
Message #9 on ’GFA Basic’ 
Date : 04 Dec 90  00:42:04
From : Jon Webb
To   : Glenn Johansson
Subj : (8) Re: LOC(#2)
 > In other basics I use LOC(#2) to find out if there are any characters
 > waiting from the serial port. How do I do this with GFA BASIC?
Try INP?(1). If it’s TRUE then there’s one waiting.
 > By the way, why do they say that COM1: should be used, when it only 
 > works with SER:??? I have version 3.02.
You mean AUX: don’t you? Or are you talking about the PC version of GFA???
Electronic Greetings!                                     - Jon -
--- QuickNet ST v0.10 beta
 * Origin: [ DeltaVision Systems HQ - The Netherlands ] (2:282/301.2)
        End of Messages.

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