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by Jim Allen
TURBO030 is a 68030 based accelerator for the Atari ST. TURBO030 is desig- ned to fit in a MegaST or any ST placed in a "PC" style case. TURBO030 has the following features:
TURBO030 is the culmination of 3 years of work developing the premiere speed upgrade to the ST computer line. TURBO030 has been designed to be as compatible as possible to the ST while providing serious acceleration. Most current productivity SW, including all the major titles, are com- patible with TURBO030 and immediately take advantage of the acceleration.
TURBO030 has a full 32bit expansion bus that allows future enhancements to the board, like high speed video and 32 bit ram. TURBO030 is an system that is designed to be upgradeable in both clock speed and features by the user. TURBO030 is designed to work up to 50Mhz and reflects the knowledge and experience that Fast Technology has gained in providing the premiere 68000 based ST accelerator.
The TURBO030 has been tuned to compliment the current crop of HI-RES video boards and greatly enhances both the ISAC and Moniterm boards. TURBO030 also works with the Supercharger and ATSpeed.
As with T16, TURBO030 is manufactured with the latest state-of-the-art surfacemount techniques that ensure longterm reliability and reduce both size and cost.
TURBO030 has been designed to be installed in Meag STs that use the ICD internal HDrive kit, and is completely compatible with all ST hard drive systems.
TURBO030 allows the Atari BLITTER chip to reach its’ true performance potential providing unparalleled graphics performance.
Benchmarks will be posted soon, units will be available as of NOV 1.
The installation is equivalent to the T16 in difficulty, we do recommend a dealers assistance for the inexperienced.
TURBO030 is OUR answer to YOUR speed enhancement needs.
I will have an upgrade policy for those who have been kind enough to purchase my products.
The TURBO030 comes with 32K of cache ram designed to run full blast all the way up to 50Mhz. We do no have ram on the board because we wanted to provide the maximum speedup for your current ram investment, a 32bit ram board will be available in the future but awaits Atari’s publishing of the complete TT ram allocation mechanism. Additional ram, NON-ST ram entails a number of basic incompatibilities that require SW patches. The ST was designed around the ram system, so DMA, VIDEO, and BLITTER activit- ies are all focused on the ST’s 4Meg of ram. The caching design allows TURBO030 to get the most out of the current system with no incompatibilit- ies other than those an 030 chip itself presents. Going to 32bit non ST ram is a featured that has been introduced with the TT computer and en- tails extended BIOS calls that allow programs to load into the new ram.
The TURBO030 was designed with the intention that an “optional feature” board would be made once the specs on this mechanism have been released. High speed 32bit ram is expensive so we have made the TURBO030 provide a serious speed increase without it, at a later date the user can upgrade to a ram?? board when the budget permits. We also felt it important to have a very low profile board that would fit in the system under any addon Mega expansion cards, and under an internal hard drive as these items are popular among our targeted market.
The TURBO030 is also totally CMOS construction that uses only half again as much power as the original 68000 chip. The 68000 chip used for compatability is also CMOS. The ST power supply is only suited for a certain level of addons and a large chunk of ram will lead to a need for a beefier 3rd party power supply. Luckily, Best Electronics is selling just such a power supply so the ST’s lack of power capacity has been addres- sed.
For anyone considering purchasing a Moniterm Monitor for use with any accelerators, I would suggest buy an ImageSystems monochrome monitor and a Matrix adapter card from Germany. The Matrix card is totally CMOS and adds little load to the power supply. It even has a graphic accelerator chip on it for use with Calamus!!!
T16 ADSpeed ---- ----- 164 164 204 204 register 203 203 divide 207 207 shift 167 161 text 155 158 string 139 114 scroll 207 166 draw
Mega4,1.4,monochrome,TurboST 1.8
T16 ADSpeed ---- ----- 164 164 memory 204 204 register 203 203 divide 207 207 shift 535 521 text 1981 2001 string 144 137 scroll 470 438 draw
This should make Gordon happy as he was interested in the benchmarks for the T16. The minor differences are due to different custom chips in the machines, IMP vs Ricoh.
For your added convenience and information, I post the speeds for the T16 on the Moniterm and ISAC boards in mono (duo) chrome mode:
T16 T16 + TST1.8 --- --- 164 164 memory 204 204 register 203 203 divide 207 207 shift 172 552 text 158 2197 string 31 31 scroll 190 468 draw